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Travel and Lifestyle

Shakespeare in Love

Scott Rankin is a Front-runner Insta-grammer with hands in many pies namely Film, Video Gaming, and Music Industry. A Shakespeare aficionado has aTravel and Lifestyle blog with Tina Albrecht called http://www.dayslikethese.ca/ .Most days you can find them with a camera around their neck wandering through the city streets or the woods

Travel and Lifestyle
"Anticipation is often as exciting as the journey itself".

Scott likes to improvise and most of his shots are spontaneous and unplanned and exceptions being the rule. If he is working for a client, he likes to visualise and take time to structure and come up with ideas for shots.  The wanderlust in Scott says "I experience the moments and try to capture them as honestly as I can. I try to make these images non-scripted and real to inspire others to have the same experience".

Scott quotes "I am just a guy with an iPhone who likes taking pictures". His transition is aptly summed up by him in his blog "While I still don’t really feel like I deserve the title of photographer, I am warming up to the idea. I plan my weekends around taking photos in places near Vancouver I haven’t been, I take photo-centric vacations driving the route with the most exciting viewpoints, I certainly take a lot of pictures and people are very supportive of my work. I have been mentioned in some pretty big publications as someone to follow if one is interested in photography, so why not adopt the title and try to live up to my own expectations of what that means".

Scott credits Instagram as a valuable tool for Photographers in India and Worldwide. The accessibility to 700 million people is a great platform to showcase your best work. 

Scott Garin, othellonine

Scott says many Professional Photographers, Corporate Film Makers  and Documentary Film Makers  brushed Instagram off at the start as being an app for kids, Scott sums up rightly "Influencers getting work was devaluing the art or skill of photography but I think it would be nearly impossible to find a working photographer right now that who doesn’t have an Instagram page".

An ardent traveler, Scott looks for assignments that offer him travel opportunities.  The thrill of discovering new places and exploring locations to photograph and write about rejuvenates him. As he narrates in his blog "We are two creatives whose love for adventure and new experiences is only rivalled by our love for our hometown. Based in Vancouver, Canada we believe that anticipation is often as exciting as the journey itself. We spend our free time planning trips, taking trips and documenting it all on video and in stills".

“Tis within ourselves that we are thus or thus”

India is his absolute favorite. The stunning vistas of India with a spectrum of morning and evening Lights can keep his busy and shoot-happy. He wants to visit India again to explore the vastness, diversity, heritage and the land of many colours in its totality. In his tete-a-tete, he says, "I would LOVE to come back to India, and hope that I can as soon as possible. There is so much more of the country I want to see and experience. I don’t have any concrete plans, but there has been some talk about it happening this year". 

He believes India is yet to capitalise on the social media revolution and he would like to be a part of this campaign by featuring India prominently during his impending visit.

We have our fingers crossed and ready to host him "Lock, Stock and Camera " as a Film Production Company

Travel and Lifestyle Photography
"I will prepare and someday my chance will come.”

Scott likes to practice every day. He carries his camera with him everywhere and shoots as much as possible. He sometimes just uses his Phone to shoot! In fact, his word of advice to budding Photographers is "If not your camera, then your phone. The camera on your phone is awesome!.".Thereby debunking the myth that we need fancy equipment and expensive cameras to create that Perfect Shot.

Fortune favours the brave. 

Fame, Scott says followed when he was “ENJOYING WHAT I LIKED” and not “chasing it” and by being consistent in posting photos. He was fortuitous to be in the right place at the right time and was featured by some large publications in the early days of Instagram as a “photographer to follow” Being a trendsetter helped him reach a larger audience. 

On his bucket list are China, Tibet,Mongolia and Nepal by land. Journey by Road, Train, and Bicycle he feels would be daunting yet incredible, such diverse landscapes, people, cultures, and food. The project would be landscape photography with very human elements. 

Travel and Lifestyle Photography

Scott finds art and photography very subjective, hence what makes an artist stand out for him is very different from others. Personally, he likes creativity, honesty and a sense of adventure. "But I also like amazing street, fashion, and architecture photography. Every artist must have the desire to be better I would say. Always striving for improvement" he summarises.

Though he has been donning many hats, he wants to consciously hone his craft and explore making more videos in the near future. He is en-route to ICELAND where the adventurer in him beckons. 

Scott believes in not “weighing down” with expectations. He posts what makes him happy first and foremost. The fact that others like it as well, A great way to live life, we must say.

Travel and Lifestyle

Scott was born in the province of Saskatchewan and moved to Vancouver in the late 90’s. He has dabbled in quite a few careers, starting off as a Realtor. Providence played a major role, with the advent of Instagram. Scott and his partner Tina would go exploring, taking photos and posting them week after week. This was their way of spending time together, never realizing that this would propel him as a full-time photographer.

"This above all: to thine own self be true,

And it must follow, as the night the day,

Thou canst not then be false to any man." he feels is an added bonus.

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